
This weekend

Yesterday I had to work. It wasn't too bad. Not very busy so I built this lovely MegaBlocks castle. It was perfectly symetrical until some kid came and put the extras on. Oh well, it's still pretty fun! (Ignore the random towers of German colors.)
Today I'm preparing turkey for my Friends Thanksgiving dinner. I've never made turkey before, so I hope it turns out alright. I'm using this herb rub/rosmary stuffing recipe I saw on Food Network. It kind of seemed like a lot for herbs to be covering a turkey. How do you know if it'd too covered in the herb rub? And what about the neck and giblets? Was I supposed to cook those too or just throw them out? Ahhh! I thought I knew what I was doing... I'll let you know how it comes out.

1 comment:

Jeff and Yvonne Weinstein said...

Congratulations on your new position! I can't think of a better smiling face to see when I'm volunteering as a media person...... you'll be a real blessing to Adam and the rest of the cel arts people. Yippee for you! Yippee for everyone!