
Work Update

So I started my new job this week at church and I LOVE IT! Starting a new job's always a little scary: you don't know anyone, you don't know what to expect, will you like it, will you boss be nice, will your co-worker's like you, etc... Well, I had those same apprehensions, but I don't think I needed to. I knew what my job responsibilites were, just have to learn how to do somethings. I actually already know the people in my office, a great bunch of guys, plus I know other people in the main office. And my boss is one of the coolest guys around, plus an awesome friend to my husband and I! I've never felt more welcome in a job before. I've been told by so many different people that they're glad I'm there. I've only heard that maybe from two people before at work, so it's really nice and reassuring. And I'm really glad to be there with them! plus I get home the same time as Scott, so we actually get to hang out together at night. An almost foreign concept to us.

My first day was quite eventful. My favorite part of the day though was when I was sitting at my desk working when Rodrigo comes walking in belting out Christmas carols. AWESOME!

My second day was fun too! Favorite part was when Adam & Rob were looking for a Target, but Leslie misheard them and asked what they needed from Target. Haha.

Today I went on a hunt for fake snow, just one of the random tasks Adam gave me. Do you have this much fun at work?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a joy...at your job, to our family and to me. I'm so thankful that God brought you our way! Leslie