

Disclaimer: This post is pretty long and has quite a few photos. You might want to grab a snack or some coffee to go along with this read. :]

Saturday morning, I went to work for two hours, then headed out to the Colesseum for the USC homecoming game against Oregon State. (Did you know that in ancient times, the original Colesseum was flooded and actual ships had mock naval battles inside the staduim? I digress...) My cousins Marissa & Kara (Kara's Trojan alumni,) they're awesome and we're so thankful they thought of us! The game was so much fun! USC won 24-3, with 9 sacks, Oregon only gained 117 yards the whole game and no one scored in the second half. It was a pretty interesting game and the Spirit of Troy (their marching band) was awesome! If you really know Scott and I, you know we're former high school band geeks and our band was modeled after USC's. We also performed with them several times, so they have a special place in our hearts!

Sunday morning, Scott and I were up pretty early thanks to the time change so we went to the 9am service at church. After that we went to Denny's to get our grub on. Scott got alphabet onion rings. He also tried to re-enact the Cholula Steal. (When we first started dating, Scott and our friend Joel snuck a bottle of Cholula into my purse and I, unknowingly, walked out of the restaurant with it. I got mad that they made me steal something, so I ran to my car and drove off without them...I went back for them after a couple minutes.)

After lunch we went to the UCR Botanical Gardens to take some pictures and visit. I've never been there. It's really neat! (We took more pictures than this, but for some reason the light meter on my camera was acting crazy so most of them came out over exposed. Stupid manual film camera and lens. My goal is to have my pretty DSLR by Christmas. I just have to figure out which on I want.) The tree that's in black and white gave me weird dreams last night. It had these fruit things on it that someone was picking up off the ground at the gardens. I had a dream last night that fairies were hatching from the pod things and flying around. It was kind of neat!

Later in the afternoon, we went to Corona to watch Mackenzie (my youngest brother, the blond boy in the sweater vest) portray Edmund in Christian Arts and Theater's production of "The Chronicals of Narnia." He was AMAZING! His voice sounded great, he didn't mess up any lines, he didn't fall off the stage, didn't crash into any props, he didn't come out half costumed and he did it all with a great British accent! I love watching him grow into this great performer! The entire cast did a great job, it's a fun play and of course a fantastic story for kids. (Just remind the kids that when Aslan dies, it isn't real.) If you have kids, I really recommend taking them! They have two more weekends of shows and great deals on TICKETS! Support your local theater and my little brother!


escamillaweddings said...

hey i saw that tree a few weeks ago! and yeah, the pod things are so odd and interesting and freaky at the same time! haha

looks like you're feeling better! yay for that!

Jeff and Yvonne Weinstein said...

I'm taking my family as well as MacKenzie's 7th grade science teacher this weekend..... he said to keep it a secret the exact performance so that he won't be nervous. I love him!