
Cornbread, Candles and Burns

This weekend was awesome! I had the entire weekend off and didn't have anything I had to do. Saturday, Scott made pancakes, and we just hung out. Later Saturday night, one of my BFFs, Danny, came over to check out our place and watch the USC game. He's hilarious! He's such an amzing friend! We met our freshman year, we've been through a lot together since then! He's been to Iraq twice, goes to school full time, is a great friend to everyone he meets, escorted my mom down the aisle at our wedding and is an all-around great person. I don't know why we've been friends this long, but I'm so glad God's blessed me with his friendship.

While Danny, Scott and I were enjoying the game, I forgot about the candles I had burning in the bathroom. Oops. Don't worry, it wasn't hard to clean up, the entire pillar candle in the center came off in one piece, all the drippings still attached. Pretty cool, huh?

Scott and I are heading over to my parents' house for dinner and Monday Night Football tonight. I made cornbread to go along with the chicken my mom said we were having. I like making special treats for the people I love. My mom's been going through a rough time at work lately, and she LOVES cornbread. Hopefully, my cornbread will bring a little smile to her face!

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