

I hate the last few weeks of May because it means my favorite shows will go on vacation for the summer or be cancelled forever.
Tuesday night, the last new episode of Gilmore Girls aired. I knew it was going to happen as soon the producers, Amy Sherman-Palladino & Daniel Palladino, left. When David S. Rosenthal took over for this season, you instantly knew it was a different show. I knew it was going to end, but to really see the end of the show made me really sad. It's been my favorite show for 7 years. Now I'm left with The Office & Grey's Anatomy.
[Enter smooth transistion here] The Office tonight, oh my! I knew Jim wasn't going to take the job in NY, and I wanted Karen to get it so she'd be out of the picture and Pam & Jim could finally be together. Ryan came completely out of left field! I can't wait till next season. Jim's going to have a lot going on!
Grey's Anatomy...There's just so many things that happened that I didn't want to see happen, the Burke-Yang wedding, George's test scores, Izzie's speech to George, Alex and Ava/Rebecca, Meridith...ugh. I just don't know if I can handle another season! I hope the summer break goes by quickly. I hate watching reruns!
Good night!

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