

If you've read Jon and Kathy's blogs, you've seen how their recollection of new years differed a little bit. Well, I was there too, here's how it really went down!

On new year's eve...

Scott and Christina headed over to...

Jon & Kathy's house for a little party.

Marissa, Ian and their puppy Leopold we there!

So were Summer and her puppy Tink!

Mike & Lauren were there, but they didn't bring a doggie.

Heather tried to teleport herself home through Jon's computer.

Then Jon and Kathy broke out the party supplies!

As Ian searched frantically for Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve...

His dog was possessed by a demon!

Jon got scared and turned to Scott for comfort...

Kathy and Christina scared it away with their cuteness!

The End!

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