
Christmas Day!

So I'm five six days late, but I finally have time to catch up on the blogging!
Christmas Eve, Scott and I exchanged presents with each other, went to Christmas Eve service (Scott wore a shepherd costume and played in a drum circle! Sorry no picture.) Then we went to my parents' house for dinner and presents. My mom's dinner was awesome! Calamari, steak, potatoes, chow mein and wonton soup! A little eclectic, but fantastic none the less! I was 98% sure my parents were getting us a Nintendo Wii, (after asking us what we wanted, then said, what about a Wii? Then calling Scott to ask him where to find one...98% sure) but I was completely wrong. My dad comes into the living room with a box, the size of a Wii. Scott and I unwrap it to reveal a lamp box. "Cool, we have this same one at home?" I'm so confused. So my dad or Scott (don't remember who) says, "Open it!" So I open it, see an old Sprite box, then a lemonade box (It hits me, this is the trash that Scott took out the other day!) Under the lemonade box, a beautiful yellow and black box that reads "Nikon D40X" I scream and bounce giddily on the couch! I've been wanted a digital SLR for so long, just haven't been able to save up for it. When Scott heard my dad wanted to get us a Wii, he called him up and asked if instead they could split the cost of the camera for me! My husband's the greatest! (And I'd say that even if I didn't get the camera, but it doesn't hurt!)

Christmas day we drove up to Running Springs for a day with Scott's family at the McIntyre's cabin. Sin-a-buns for breakfast, presents, Ellis brothers annual Christmas football game (not quite, it was too cold,) the Bourne Ultimatum and Hairspray (how great was John Travolta?) and a tasty steak dinner. A great day!


How could I not love this face?

Cuddly Brothers, Scott and Tyler

Mackenzie got his first cell phone for Christmas!

Riley brought sexy back while playing football.

Scott and his daddy

The football (the boys used the nerf ball. This one probably would have shattered if it hit the ground because of how cold it was outside.)

I love the painting on this lamp, it's so pretty!

Aren't these cute? Notice the moose has a shotgun.

Here's the terrible view we had as we headed down the mountain.

Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and had a great time with your families

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