
7 Weeks Baby!

Yesterday our baby reached seven weeks gestation. That's cool! I've become a less scared of the fact that I'm going to be a mother and more excited that our family's growing. I think I'll always be a little nervous, but that's normal, right? It's a really strange to think that there's a baby growing in my belly and it's already depending on me. It's neat, but strange at the same time. We've narrowed down the names we like, but I'll wait a while to share those. Now I'm trying to figure out my birth plan...there's too many options! Any suggestions from mom's that have been there are more than welcome! I haven't been feeling really sick at all. Sometimes my back aches a little, sometimes my stomach's a little queasy (I just have to eat something and I'm ok) and I've been a little more tired during the day. I'd be nice if it stayed this way, but I'm sure it won't. :]
Last week was really nice! We felt so much love from all our friends and family! I had friends take me to lunch or dinner, bring me flowers and send us encouraging words! Last Friday my mother-in-law spent a day making strawberry jam with me! (If anyone wants to learn how to make jam, we'll probably do it again in a few weeks when strawberries go on sale again.) Thanks for all the love and support guys! It's really greatly appreciated!


Casey Angulo said...

Wow. Names and a birth plan already?! You're on top of it. I am having a baby in the next six weeks or so and I have not dialed in that much.

Anonymous said...

7 weeks! It's amazing how fast the baby grows, isn't it? Not that I'd know from personal experience, but I've had my share of lifespan development classes to still be pretty impressed. :] Between your genes and Scott's genes, that must be one adorable embryo.