

Disneyland is seriously one of the greatest places on earth! Last night we took part of our tax return and got annual passes! Now we can go almost any time we want! Hooray! All we did last night was ride the train, Space Mountain, see Honey, I Shrunk the Audience (I'd never seen it, but I did see Captain Eo!) get some churros and watch fireworks from the top of the Mickey and Friends parking garage. There were a couple funny moments I just want to share. As we hopped on the train to head to Tomorrowland a lady in a little scooter pulled in next to us. She kept trying to turn her scooter around so it was facing the front instead of the side, but the space was too small. She just kept banging it against the inside of the boxcar. Her daughter finally says, "Mom, stop, it's like the part in Austin Powers when he's trying to turn the golfcart in the hallway!" Awesome! At the end of the night we heard this awesome guitarist and with a percussionist playing at Downtown Disney. They played Beethoven's 5th, Hotel California, Smooth and some other songs. The percussionist had a cajon, bongos, djembe, cymbals, and some fun little toys. They were a lot of fun to watch, next time you're there you should check 'em out. They have 5 CDs on sale, on of which is all Beatles songs, so of course we bought it along with 2 others. The fireworks set off a ton of car alarms...that was pretty funny too!

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