

Every season I try not to get too hooked, but it's kind of hard not to. I love music, so naturally, watching the performances is fun. Sometimes I hate listening to the judges rants, or even worse, the audience booing the judges. I understand that the audience may not agree with the Randy, Paula, and Simon's opinions, but I think they should have the decency to respect their opinion. You don't see Simon getting out of his chair and booing the audience as they clap the for performer. (In case you're wondering, this season I really like Gina, Melinda, Blake and Chris Sligh.)
I'm excited that baseball season is starting soon (18 days til Angels' opening day!) I wasn't a very big baseball fan a few years ago, putting it mildly, but I've really grown to love baseball. Scott and I have tickets to the Angels vs. Yankees game on August 22nd. It'll be the last part of our honeymoon before coming home. I think that'll be the only game where Scott would choose to root for the Angels over the Yankees. I want to go to the June 5th game against the Twins just to get a Jered Weaver bobblehead. :]
Wedding update: I just realized that on Saturday we'll be exactly five months away from the big day! WOW! Time's flyin'! We ordered out save-the-dates last week, they're en route to my house and should be here by the Friday, so hopefully we'll have them sent out by Saturday, although Monday's probably a bit more realistic. My mom and I ordered my dress last week too. It should be here in two weeks! I'm so excited! I tried it on again while I was there, it fits perfectly, no alterations needed, thank goodness! I just can't gain any weight, which shouldn't be a problem. We also chose our invitations, and we'll be ordering those next week. YAY! I can hardly wait!

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