
The head?!

I had my 20 week check up (Yes, 20 weeks! Halfway there!) The doctor was feeling my belly to see how the uterus is baby have grown.
Doc: There's your baby's head, it's nice and firm.
Me: The head?!
Doc: Yup, right here. (And he pushes down a little bit.)
Me: Wow, I didn't know I was at the point where you could identify body parts. Cool, baby has a head!
Doc laughs.

Wow...it's a little crazy to have someone push on your belly and tell you what part of the baby it is! I didn't realize he'd be able to tell, the baby's only about 6 inches long. We listened to the heart beat, it's still nice and strong. My results from the glucose tolerence test came back normal. He ordered an ultrasound so we'll get to see the baby again and (hopefully) find out what we're having. My last ultrasound was at 10 weeks, so it probably looks quite a bit different. The only bad thing is that Scott has to work the day of my ultrasound (July 29,) hopefully he can move things around or not be too busy and get part of the morning off. It'd be fun to be able to go together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay your baby has a head!!! :) i cant wait to see what you guys are having! :)