
Dad Update

A few weeks ago, I asked for prayers for my dad and just wanted to update folks on the situation.

This past Tuesday he was supposed to have a carotid angio done to look at the blockage in his neck before they do the surgery to remove it. That procedure was postponed until next Thursday because he missed the radiology consult last Friday. There was a miscommunication because neither of my parents knew he had a consult, which is not like them to forget something like that.

Today, he had a cardiac cath done to look for any blockages he may have in his heart that may cause problems after the carotid is fixed. They found that he has four vessels that are VERY blocked, so he needs a quadruple bypass surgery The doctor is keeping him at the hospital overnight and bumped up the carotid angio to tomorrow instead of next Thursday.

My mom (an ICU nurse at the hospital where my dad is) wasn't comfortable with the cardiothoracic surgeon the cardiologist had consulted with, so she asked if a different surgeon. We're so blessed because the doctor she wanted was there today, saw my dad and will be doing the surgery next week. So the plan, for now at least, is carotid angio tomorrow, he'll go home for a few days, then they'll do a carotid endarterectomy surgery to clear the blockage from the most occluded side, perform the CABG surgery immediately following. The surgery will probably be done Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, hasn't been scheduled yet.

My dad says he feels fine, which makes it even more difficult for him to just sit still. I know he's nervous, but doesn't want to show it. He's still his normal goofy, happy self, which is nice to see. I know my mom is worried, but she won't show it. I just hope she's ok and doesn't bottle it up. I'm trying to be strong, but it's hard to not worry, I'm not quite as good about not showing it. I know that God's in control of the situation, but it's still scary.

Any prayers for my mom and dad and his doctors would be greatly appreciated! I'll be sure to update later next week. Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my prayers are with your family hun.