
Weird Emotions

I just read Alyssa's post about how since she's been pregnant she's had weird emotional reactions to things. I have a story, I wasn't planning on sharing, but since she's sharing, I can too. The night before we left for Redding for Tyler's graduation I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep. Scott and I were trying to get some last minute laundry and dishes done, so both machines were going. I was tossing and turning, unable to sleep and I started crying and getting all sniffley. Scott looks over from the computer and says, "Are you crying?" (Half concerned, half wanting to laugh at me.) I cry out, "Yes! The dishwasher's just SO loud! I keeps draining like it's done and it gets my hopes up, but then it just keeps going making all that noise!" Then I start laughing because I know how ridiculous I sound, Scott laughs and just gives me a hug. Then he says, "What if I close the door? Would that help, baby?" I shyly reply, "Ya, maybe." And I fall asleep 5 minutes later. So ridiculous!

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