
12 weeks

I'm at the last week of my first trimester! We're one-third of the way to D-Day! I had my first ultrasound on Monday. I'd post the photos but they're kind of hard to make out since the baby's still so small. It has two arms, two legs, a large head (according to the technician,) and most importantly a heartbeat! IT'S AMAZING! The head is about the same size as ther est of the baby's body, but it will balance out later on. The baby was also moving around a lot, so much that the technician had a little trouble getting the measurements she needed, but she got them. It was so neat to actually see that there's someone in there! We still have about two month before we can find out if it's a boy or a girl, but I wanted to get everyone's guess on what we're having. I'll give you a few bits of info and you can leave a comment with your guess.
-Scott, my husband, is one of four boys in his family. His dad's family had two boys and one girl. (I'll only mention his side since the XY/XX chromosome is carried by the father.)
-According to the "Ancient Chinese Birth Chart" we're having a boy.
-Old wives tale #1: The way you carry your baby: If you carry low, you are having a boy. If you carry high, you are having a girl. I guess I'm carrying low, but that's becaause it's still really small and hasn't moved farther up yet.
-Old wives tale #2: If you're craving salt, you're having a boy. If you're craving sweets, it's a girl. I've been craving Ruffles potato chips, those are pretty salty.
-Old wives tale #3: If you're suffering from acne breakouts, that girl in your belly is stealing your beauty. I've had a few more pimples to deal with than normal.
-Old wives tale #4: If your baby is particularly energetic, it's most likely to be a boy whereas a more chilled fetus indicates a girl. According to the sonographer the baby was moving a lot during the ultrasound.

So what do you think?? Is baby Ellis a boy or a girl?

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I enjoyed your old wives tales, although I did crave salty and the baby moves a lot, but I also had a ton of acne! Who knows! CAn't wait to hear what your having!