
Dress, School, and Work Updates

So before when I said "I found my dress" what I meant was "I found a dress that was really beautiful, and what you're expected to wear and my mom would be happy with." What I should say is, "While I liked the dress, it was not my style, not what I've always pictured myself getting married in. So the hunt continued."
I ended up finding "THE ONE" at a different shop. It's gorgeous, fits me almost perfectly, just needs a little hem. The style fits my ideas perfectly, it's very vintage, classic Hollywood. It's a very light ivory and I looooove it!
School started this week, YAY! I'm glad to be back. I took the winter off and I was so bored. I'm taking four classes this semester: English, French, Math and Art History. I like the teachers, my French class was kind of intense though. I took 4 years of French in middle school/high school, but I don't remember very much of it. My professor came in the room and immediately started the French lesson. It all came back to me really quickly. I could understand everything she was saying, but I couldn't remember how to respond to any of the questions. Apparently, it's normal when taking a foreign language to be able to comprehend what you hear, but have a harder time responding out loud because those actions are controlled by two different parts of the brain. My art history class is rather boring, partially because of the professor and partially because of the content being studied...the Renaissance. Personally, I don't really care for Byzantine and Renaissance art (it all kind of looks the same.) I'd rather study Roman art or earlier...or contemporary-modern art. The instructor has a weird high pitched voice and she's a very sweet old lady, but kind of annoying. My English teacher's really awesome! I'm lovin' that class so far! My math professor's very nice and a really good teacher. Thank goodness!
Work......I decided to leave my job at DB. (In case you don't know, I can't spell out the company's name because they have internet scanners that search for any time the company's name is used and if it's negative it gets sent to the managers.) I wasn't getting very many hours, and wasn't making enough. On top of that, I didn't really enjoy the work I was doing. I took my job back at PP. I really missed being a photographer. On top of that, I really missed the friends that I have there. I'm really glad to be back! I didn't realize how much I loved that job until I left and had worse jobs. It's good to be back in the saddle!

1 comment:

escamillaweddings said...

oh oh oh i can't wait to see your dress!!!!!!